Hilarious, some odd reviews on here
27 October 2023
Never seen his standup before. Love his podcast and his performance on Dave.

His timing, story telling, and ability to paint a picture, are top notch. Thought this was funny from start to finish. As funny as he usually is.

Some of these review are calling this "leftist" or in support of "cancel culture". Someone was upset that he made a joke about Trump being killed. The special also contains a joke about Kamala killing Biden by pushing him down the stairs.

Do you guys have ears? Everyone has an agenda and goes into watching these things by putting YOUR beliefs and values at the forefront. You only see and hear what YOU want to hear. Just stop it already. It's sad, and annoying. If ANYTHING offends you, you need to quit comedy.

This is FAR from "leftist" or "liberal" comedy. It's just comedy, and it's good. Go into like a normal human being and just watch it for what it is. Something to make you laugh. That's all he is trying to do. He's not pushing some agenda. We need to stop projecting. Please. He even talks about it in this special. You are too worried about everyone else's business. And of course you guys are entitled to your opinions, but not when you are ignoring the full picture. He made fun of anyone and everything. Which is GOOD.

Just shut up and watch some good comedy and laugh, which is exactly what this is. Comedy should be sacred. It's art. Let it stay that way. This country is trying to destroy it.
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