Nice packaging, ruined content
27 October 2023
The framing, photography and music are very good, always in the right dose. All technical resources dance in remarkable harmony.

It is a slow film, but it works step by step on what it wants to communicate. Just as a treatment takes time to fulfill its purpose, so is this film. If the message it seeks to convey were to arrive suddenly, many would reject it. However, the extension and slowness are justified to go drop by drop until the pond is filled.

Another film that seeks, with feigned subtlety, to blame God for everything that human beings do wrong. While those who do wrong without speaking about God are accepted and even praised as clever or coherent.

Disappointing due to the initial beauty of the film, but predictable, knowing that Estonia is one of the most atheist countries in the world, a legacy of the communism prevailing in the USSR.

Why do people blame God for their bad thoughts, words, and deeds? It will continue to be the easiest of exits straight to the most lost of paths.

Perhaps Anton Hansen or Tanel Toom believe that blaming God for the evil that they or others do is the best, the same thought all the former heads of state of the USSR, whom they hate so much... touché.
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