Bad Things (2023)
It May Be Slow Burning. And Super Weird. But It All Comes Around In The End!
25 October 2023
This is such an interesting film.

At first, I wasn't super into it.

But, once the paranoia set had won me over.

The story revolves around a big city lesbian- named Ruthie- who has inherited her grandmother's rural hotel, and brought closest friends to check it out, before she sells it.

Ultimately, the whole thing is a psychological horror.

But it's not exactly clear that such is the case, right from the beginning.

Which is what has left many other reviewers confused, I suspect.

Cause things definitely get weird.

To the point where you question whether any of what you are watching is actually real.

What is clear, is that all the characters become paranoid, for different reasons, at different points in the film.

And that someone is attacking people.

Though, it's hard to pin down exactly who that is.

It's all quite Lynchian in nature.

Up until the point that things do actually become clear, in the end.

Where the film takes on a bit of an Argento vibe.

With an aura of extreme paranoia, induced by severe childhood trauma.

And the strained relationships you experience in life as a result of this.

While, no doubt, a bit confounding- and rather weird.

It's actually a quite cleverly constructed film.

That you could easily place in the company of films like Vertigo; Beau Is Afraid; and Raoul Ruiz's epic psychological masterpiece, Le Territoire.

Just...not quite on the same level.

Likewise, you could also place it alongside other recent lesbian oriented horrors, like Jagged Mind, and My Animal, from this year.

Which would make for an interesting marathon, if paired together.

In the end, once you let it simmer, and come to fruition...there's really nothing not to love about this film.

It may be a bit of a slow burner...and have a pretty bizarre plot.

But it's actually kind of a sleeper hit, in my opinion.

So it get's my seal of approval.

And emphatic recommendation.

Don't let the haters make you pass this one by.

Because, while it may not be for's most definitely worth a watch.

6.5 out of 10.
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