Major Arcana (2018)
A tale of characters who do not grow... and that works
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wondering why this got no play, hardly any visibility anywhere. Stumbled across on TV, and delighted.

Yes, an arthouse sensibility and lots will not like this, but every note, every frame rang true. I was annoyed when his mom came on screen as that was too close to old mom (or aunt, etc) griping about stuff. And overall, I have had enough time in small towns with friends and distant relatives that the whole tone of low expectations and knowing the same people for your whole life worked.

Also found his cabin building to be fascinating and rang entirely true to my experiences. Nice gear, used properly, and nice gaps to it also. Hand cutting, and using bolt cutters instead of pruners at the end was a lovely touch.

(If expanding didn't get it, AS SPOILERY AS SPOILERS GET)

But most of all the broadest scope of the movie left me almost stunned. Ujon Tokarski is making a big change, a weird one but one that seems plausible to work out for him and he's just gotten Tara Summers to change her life, at least has a fighting chance at normalcy, which with the nesting of making a cabin in the woods, seems to be what he wants.

And, he admits, he doesn't. He just flees again, and while film (well, narratives generally) want character development as part of the journey, in reality people don't change much and not in this timeframe. This rang very very true of real life.
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