UFO: Confetti Check A-O.K. (1970)
Season 1, Episode 22
The hard burden of a commander on top-secret agency!!
25 October 2023
Beforehand already know that I'll be hard beaten up by my review, in this melodramatic and weak episode when Col. Straker reminds his early establishing process of Shado agency he had just been married and packed up his bags for a honeymoon at Greece with his jolly wife Mary, a phone call at last moment change everything, he had turn around and flew toward UN's New York to replace Gen. Handerson due a car's accident was out of action at wheelchair there Col. Straker impressed so much the committee of members countries that Shado was approved by unanimous including nominated Starker as head of Shado's plant.

It somehow make a disorder at your private life when his upset wife is getting suspicious about a possible Straker's affair, meanwhile Mary got pregnancy and Straker is working hard till late at night without a previous warning or a mere phone call neither, thus Straker's marriage was in worsening process, when Mary decides leaves him for good, ends up falling down the stair (here is too melodramatic) put in jeopardy the unborn baby also his own wife, whereof later Straker has to face his annoyed father-in-law at lobby.

Straker in the middle of process is willing to tell to Mary his position of Shado promptly denied by Col. Freeman, due the nature of this top-secret agency, well later in the series Col. Henderson became Straker's furious opponent as appears in many episodes often objecting him in any matter concerning the budge or safe process, strangely both were closest friends at Shado's creation, a fair episode, should be the pilot or in beginning of the series.

Thanks for reading


First watch: 2013 / How many: 2 / Source: DVD / Rating: 6.
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