Incubus (1966)
Art house horror with a lot of imagination
24 October 2023
(1965) Incubus (Besides English the language that was also spoken is 'Esperanto' with English subtitles) HORROR/ THRILLER

Anybody familiar with the original black and white show called "The Outer Limits" should be able to like this film as well, who wrote and directed this film by the name of Leslie Steven! To describe it, is like delving into the Ingmar Bergman's "The Seventh Seal" tradition by using strong winds and trees effectively used as part of it's atmosphere to carry this bizarre and gothic story, and perhaps Carl Dreyer. Their is language that is unbeknownst to most people but is used to bring effect to the overall film! A little film which is clocked in at 78 minutes. It opens with a man suffering from some kind of disease being led to his death by an attractive young blonde lady, she does this by placing her foot onto his head and drowns him as a result of following her to a beach. After she buries him, another blonde lady is seen with some worshipers wearing robes following behind her. As it turns out both ladies are sisters, with the one that led the contagious man to his death is Kia the younger one of the two. And are sacrificing supposedly bad men to their deaths as a part of a satanic ritual with Kia doing all the work. Their next opponent happens to be Marc (William Shatner) and although the older sister doesn't think it's a good idea for Kia to go after Marc for their ritual since his soul is pure and that she may begin to fall in love with him- Kia doesn't listen resulting to other measures such as to call Incubus(Milos Milos) from the grave.
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