Pet Sematary and a phantom reckoning
22 October 2023
In the realm of streaming horror, this film shines as an entertaining yet poignant exploration of the human psyche. Set against a supernatural backdrop, the movie ingeniously weaves in the emotional aftermath of war, specifically the Vietnam era, delving deep into the mental and emotional scars left on its veterans. This haunting tale juxtaposes the supernatural horror of people 'raised from the dead' with the very real horror of men grappling with post-war trauma, showcasing the intricacies of their pain and resilience.

Jack Mulhern's portrayal of Timmy is nothing short of extraordinary, showcasing his immense talent once again. Samantha Mathis and David Duchovny deliver commendable performances, with Duchovny proving he's a natural fit for the horror and thriller genre. The plot, while supernatural, skillfully integrates the emotional struggles of veterans, offering a unique and thought-provoking perspective.

However, the film falters in its attempt to inject political ideology into Native American characters, a trend that's becoming wearisome in contemporary cinema. Despite this misstep, the movie successfully captures the essence of both horror and humanity, making it a compelling watch. As a streaming gem, it stands tall, a testament to the power of storytelling even in the supernatural realm.

It's disheartening to witness an influx of negative reviews driven by the unyielding belief that the original is irreplaceable.

A well-crafted prequel or sequel doesn't aim to diminish the brilliance of its predecessor; instead, it seeks to enrich the legacy, offering audiences a chance to delve deeper into the characters, themes, and worlds they love. Embracing these new narratives can be akin to flipping through the pages of a beloved book, discovering hidden layers and nuances that enhance the overall experience.
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