The Breach (I) (2022)
I wanted to like it but those special effects were ROUGH.
22 October 2023
Nick Cutter is one of my favorite Horror novelists, and when I heard that they had adapted his Audible title into a film, I immediately jumped to watch, and while appreciated the ride for it for what it was, it was a rough, bumpy road getting there.

Let's talk about the positives; the cast is talented and made you sympathize with what they were going through. Even the less likeable characters played their roles well, and it made for a movie with obvious chemistry with all of the major players, which really elevated the viewing experience. That's about the best thing I can say about this film.

The story itself was serviceable, although I believe we've seen this premise before. Although everything looked familiar, it was told it a decent pace, with very little filler to make up the gaps.

Unfortunately, this is where the positives end. Now, we come to the negatives, and there are PLENTY.

Directing- I don't know if this was the directors first film or what, but his directing left a lot to be desired. Relying on still shots that had no artistic composition made it feel like an episode of Law & Order for most of the movie. Then, when the action did happen, he used some action movie techniques that really felt of out place in a movie that's supposed to be horror. (I mean, who needs a "blown away from an explosion" scene in a horror movie? ). Add to that some of the worst and most basic cinematography I've seen on a movie all year, it made this movie really displeasing to the eye. It looked more like made for TV film (Lifetime, is this you?) and i disliked watching it because of this. Never underestimate just how important it is to make your film look pretty, people. Don't EVER skimp out on your cinematographer.

Special Effects- the single worst part about this film was the SFX. I haven't seen such amateurish CGI in years, and I visibly cringed when any of it was utilized in any capacity. When Youtube has teenagers in their bedrooms producing better CGI, you know you messed up. Truly an embarrassment for those responsible.

The practical effects were a bit better, but again, they fall in the trap of "obvious person in a costume" territory. They spent most of the budget on the face prosthetics and totally skimped on the rest of the body, making the "monsters" look like they were heading to a Halloween party after raiding a Party City. It really was sad to see a film devolve solely on this, and it completely removed any immersion I felt up to that point. I actually considered turning the film off when the monsters appeared, that's how poorly they looked.

Lastly, the soundtrack. Slash, what the hell were you thinking? A lot of the music was way out of place, and completely removed you from what was transpiring in the movie. I just didn't understand how anyone could drop the ball so easily when music is what you are supposed to be able to do best. A truly shameful moment for him.

Overall, this movie was a huge disappointment and reminded me of why so many film adaptations of books always seem to fail. The atmosphere and tone really don't do the source material justice, and it seems like instead of making a purely horror film, the team decided that making a more "action/horror" hybrid would suit it better when it just made it so much worse.

Even if you are a fan of the audiobook, avoid this. The redeemable qualities are far outweighed by everything that made it NOT work, and I urge you to not waste you precious time like I did.
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