Saw X (2023)
Good start, horrible ending.
21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have never said this about a horror movie, but i enjoyed the non horror part more than the horror. The backstory of John Kramer was good just as Tobin Bells acting, but the rest is a typical, even sub-par, Saw sequel.

A huge pet peeve of mine is when writers are dependent on coincidence and luck instead of logic. When they steer characters and actions in the right direction with dumb or illogical decisions and dumb timing, just to force the script together. Or if they just don't understand themselves how dumb things are.

One of the most glaring ones in Saw X was when it's "revealed" that Parker Pears was in on the scam. He were just as suspicious as everybody else on the site as a fake patient to make everything look more believable and therefor not very revealing.

Another one is the setup of Johns final trap. Firstly, the coincidence of the kid playing soccer late at night, at the right time, and them noticing him, which fantastically goes GREAT with the rest of the setup. What luck.

And John's plan was to cross his fingers that if they got overpowered, they would be chained up in that trap. Both would go get the money before he/they died in the trap and stop the trap by grabbing the money bag, setting off a new trap. And the door to the room didn't even close at once. It took 20 seconds until it did and they stayed in the room to look in the bag instead of leaving or securing the door, like normal people would - especially when the situation involves a person who's fond of traps. So John's plan involved another lucky coincidence that they wouldn't exit the room at once and possibly kill them all anyways.

All in all, besides one really good trap (the lady sawing her leg off) and the first part of the movie, this was not a good watch.
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