Vaping helped me quit cigarettes
19 October 2023
It's true I switched to vaping almost 9 years ago and I never smoked another cigarette since then. I also quit vaping around 3 years ago and haven't hit the vape once since then. It's possible I would still be smoking today if it weren't for vaping.

Having said that.. I never even heard of JUUL till probably a year before I quit vaping... in this documentary they act like they were some innovators or something. I remember hundreds of different pods, tanks, mods, you name it, on the market long before.

This whole documentary just felt kinda try-hard. Like sure they made a ton of money and it was super successful. But to act like they actually did something mind blowing or innovative as far as vaping is concerned is pretty ridiculous.

I know the score is super low. But honestly the biggest problem this documentary has is the fact that it's insanely too long. They could've easily made this an 80 minute movie instead. Felt like a huge waste of time and sorta putting these dudes up on a pedestal.
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