Pretty good intro to the subject
19 October 2023
Although this is a somewhat flawed documentary, it's a pretty good introduction to the subject of porn addiction.

The problem with the film is it wastes time with "person on the street" interviews which don't add anything of substance. I should add that I watched this on Plex, and their platform totally screwed up the subtitles, so I have no idea what the Germans and Finns were saying. But most of the movie is interviews with addiction health professionals, some graphics, and there's a case study of a couple. The case study is poignant and the porn widow, who is interviewed at length, is adorable. The graphics could use some work.

There is no porn in the film. It's not a documentary of the porn industry; rather, it's a documentary about addiction. So, the film would be appropriate in a high school health education class. It's also not religious; I don't know how some reviewers interpreted that from the film.

I watched this film partly because I'm a health professional, partly because I'm a radfem anti-porn activist, and partly because I'm a big Metallica fan. I enjoyed listening to the sound of James' voice, and the experience of hearing him critique the diagnostic manual.

I'd like to suggest the filmmaker consider editing this a bit, and it could be used for CE credits.
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