Review of The Mill

The Mill (2023)
Completely devoid of talent
18 October 2023
The dialogue written for this movie is atrocious. This feels very much like the writer finished his first draft and decided it was good enough. The language is repetitive. There are curse words thrown in nonsensically, which is the hallmark of a terrible writer. It's not done in a Tarantino way that blends naturally with the work. Instead, it's as if the cursing is supposed to do some heavy duty dramatic work, which it doesn't.

People talk like no one talks. They act like no one acts. Everything is just a setup for the plot to move, realistic human responses be damned.

The acting is some of the worst garbage I've seen in a long time. Let's start with the next door neighbor. I get that he's not on camera, but it was a really dumb idea on I assume the director's part to have him record it alone in a sound booth. It sounds like someone in a sound booth running lines. And is this guy an audiobook reader in real life? Because he super enunciates everything, removing him even further from the scene he's supposed to be in.

Then the main character. This actor didn't convey a moment of honesty in the entire picture as far as I could tell. Much like the script told him to, he acted like I can't imagine anyone acting in that situation. Motivation seems so divorced from the human experience, I couldn't wrap my head around what he was trying to portray.

The cinematography was right up there with the poor acting, writing, and directing.

Dark and moody is cool. Dark and I can't see s damn thing isn't. Pink colored lights completely unmotivated made me take notice of the color and took me out of the scene.

The inability to let us get s good look at the main character was an odd choice. Shooting a face in almost complete darkness while having eyeglasses practically glow was unhinged.

Yeah, we're supposed to not know what's going on and be disoriented, but being unable to connect with the main character whose journey we are on is just another element that lead to total disengagement from this film.

This is a must miss.
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