Daisy Winters (2017)
As cheesy as a Welsh rarebit!
17 October 2023
Where to begin reviewing this mess of a film? I guess it's the writing It's just about the most cliche-ridden movie I've seen in a long time. You can guess what's going to happen every step of the way.

Then there's the acting. Absolutely atrocious. If you're going to make a film that focuses around children, at least hire kids that can act. Not a single kid in this movie can act. (Hey kids, quit while you're ahead. You're not going to make a career out of acting.) And all the dialogue sounds like it was written by an adult, for an adult.

Then there's the horrible music track. It sounds like they found some generic background music and plunked it down. It's happy and bouncy almost throughout the movie. Music should enhance a movie, not detract from it.

Overall, this film is a complete waste of time. I was tempted to finish it to see if it got any better. But 45 minutes of my day wasted was more than enough.

This film confirmed my suspicions. Not only was Brooke Shields a lame child actor, she's equally bad as an adult. Yikes!
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