What A Waste of Space
17 October 2023
Who in the world keeps funding these supposed 'creatives' passion projects that have absolutely no point to make yet the potential is astronomical? Maybe I need to start filming docuseries because I certainly couldn't do any worse and apparently there's vast sums of money to be made.

The marketing for JUUL initially was insipid- like they were marketing the new iPhone? Sorry but Gen Z has the attention span on a fruit fly- your marketing should have focused on Xers and millennials trying to quit smoking with money to spend. You have no control over what moronic teens do, maybe some parental supervision might be in order, and stop trying to be their friends?

I refused to use a JUUL- the marketing was ridiculous, the juices were horrendous, and I went to a local smoke shop, found a Novo Smok and never smoked a single cigarette again. I'm not naive enough to think that there's no risk inherent with vape use, but you'll never convince me that it's worse. The insane hearings of Congress were so obviously guided by big tobacco lobbying, knowing their time has finally come. Then you get these stupid teens making themselves such obvious targets for attention, (sorry but the MsWeenz? She's at least 25, how in the world is she being portrayed as a teen? Wut?) with the most obnoxiously stupid parents with zero clue and not even remotely curious to research WHAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE DOING?

I'm sorry but 45-year old Taylor Lorenz needs to stop being added to these shows- she's the antithesis of anything remotely cool and/or knowledgeable regarding the culture and youth. I've never cheered harder for a lawsuit to be successful regarding her case against her outright lying and defamation of people. Go away Taylor, nobody likes you.
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