Simply brilliant
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Knowing that this was the last film for both Michael and Glenda made it even more special.

They played their characters to perfection, a married couple for 70 years with love that kept them together.

We learn that after the war Michael's character, Bernard, did not talk about it and Glenda's character, Irene, did not ask as she knew it might break him.

The escape itself is done eloquently with the staff at the care home playing their roles as expected, no fussing, matriarchal matron, happy go lucky medic and caring carer.

As an aside, it was nice to see that the bikers got their comeuppance.

Once Bernie gets to France he faced his demon as did the superb Sur John Standing, watch the film to understand more.

It was not until the screen credits that I noticed how important the incidental music played its part, as did the moments of silence.

What a waste says Bernie when he was at the war graves, how topical is that still?

In all, a very thoughtful film, no expected surprises at the end either. After all, it's based on a true story.
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