Somewhere Boy (2022)
Good Show But Many Plot Holes
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I enjoyed the series. The acting, dialogue, direction and photography were all well above average. The relationship between Danny, the somewhere boy of the title, and the people he encounters is fascinating. His relationships with his cousin Aaron and his aunt Sue are realistic and in need of expansion, maybe in season two, if there is one?

However, the overall writing seems rushed and not always well thought out. Take for example the house Danny and his dad Steve call home.

There were several exterior establishing shots throughout, depicting a very large and presumably expensive home. How did Steve afford this? He doesn't work and he plainly does not come from a wealthy family or his sister Sue would have money as well.

Say he managed to buy the house outright before he went nuts, how does he pay for the utilities and property taxes? Electricity, water and gas are not cheap, neither are taxes and Steve has no visible income. How does he pay for the upkeep and gasoline for his motor bike and car? How does he pay for food?

It was established that Steve buys food from Tesco although he tells Danny he gets it from hunting and scavenging. Didn't Danny notice all the food was fresh and came in brand new packaging? Where did the fresh milk come from he enjoys?

How does Steve explain where Danny's clothes come from? During the series he goes from a small child to a grown man, meaning he must have required new clothes and shoes quite often. Does Steve get them from the monsters? Were they all wearing brand new clothes in just the right sizes for a growing boy? What about underpants? How does he explain where all the new underpants came from? And socks?

Danny is depicted as a very bright person, he never wondered about any of this?

Logical flaws aside I still enjoyed it. Maybe if there is another season they can fill out some of the back stories and explain all the holes.
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