Bullet points on seems to be great .. and bad
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The final conclusion in this series is generally put the blame on irresponsible marketing target on teenager, but not quite the product itself. Annnddd.. I feel like the product seems pretty legit, not something so evil comparing to whole lot of other bad and harmful products like cigarette, alcohol, etc. So I really don't know, then I just list down things here:

Stanford and product design are great

Great pitch "A safe cigarette?"

Product is great, vaporizer and else

Research result of nicotine salt is great

Move fast and break thing strategy is great

Don't understand the point of using vaporizer for canabis, because the series presents JUUL like a cool technology for canabis smoker. OR is this like a friendly way to introduce canabis to kids because of its secret way of using, which should be dangerous?

Digital feature of smoking device sounds pretty dope, and quite reasonable approach for the illegal use epidemic.

The timeline to earn revenue is pressing from the investors that founders have no way but to follow?

A way to push marketing and sales, is to teen, which sounds reasonable to meet with the expected return from investors.

Cause of lung failing is Vitamin E not because of too much smoke sucked in the lung ( which takes so long to be discovered ) ?? What if someone fix the Vitamin E part, is this better to use than a cigarette?

Nicotine is strong therefore addictive. What about the addiction of caffeine, non-chemical product like Instagram, gambling?

Big Tobacco buy is reasonable, tobacco is bad but legal, but now they want to shift into more healthy way, why not?

Do people actually think about vengeance on tobacco company when their loved ones died because of cigarette? Sounds unreasonable and weird

Contradiction in the series itself: "Basically you should only inhale air in the lung" vs. "Experiment on 4 pack of tobacco vs vaping continuously"

Vaping and e-cig is here way before JUUL was out. Is JUUL like a successful business use case for vaping?

Quick google on vaping: It's widely recognized, either banned or under regulated on several countries including Asia.


Bottom line is I don't understand what message the producer is delivering in this series and seems like lots of good in this JUUL business, but they tried hard to make the good looks bad, which make the whole thing quite weird. Anyway it's a good story to watch, but a bit too unnecessarily long.
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