A compelling story that happens to be scary and a thriller.
15 October 2023
Perhaps the most alluring thing about this director is how committed he is to telling a good story and this is definitely a good story. Like all his works, there are scary moments and jump scares but that isn't the point. The point is the story being told and the story being told in the House of Usher is as dark as it is mysterious.

I loved every minute of this series and binged it in one day. There's something so compelling about the story, it's narrated like Bly Manor and these characters are both relatable at point and yet so far removed from reality that you almost cheer when bad things befall them.

Given our current political climate I think it's no mistake that the family depicted here is wealthy beyond measure, own an opioid pushing drug company, and out greed above all things.

Flannigan has done it again and I cannot WAIT to see what he does after leaving Netflix. This mini series format seems to suit him and I'd love to see what his work would look like with the resources of HBO.
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