Underrated Original caper movie, baffled the audience in perfect bank robbery!!
15 October 2023
Aside it was extremely beaten up by the critics nobody can deny its uniqueness even a preposterous story, a meticulous thief Eddie (Byron Made) and his two cohorts have fail in a bank robbery, aftermaths he figures out that using Dobermans to make a robbery he will be safe and contracted a trainer from US's Army about to release and together his girlfriend June (Julie Parrish) and his gang he settle a bold plan to make a perfect heist, the trainer soon perceives that something is wrong, due at first time Eddie offer to him a profitable partnership to sell trained dogs, even he wasn't able to practice Dobermans, actually he is a German Shepard trainee.

Soon he discovers the real intention of the bleak Eddie, he refuses at first time, however is convinced by many factors, the dogs will be killed if he doesn't carry on, also the high money involved was a paramount to go ahead, after exhaustive weeks of training using a whistle for each dog aiming for control the ferocious Dobermans, thus he'll manage the dogs at robbery remotely, out of the blue at moment of the action he slipping away, June replaces him managing the dogs through the multi-colors whistles, everything went as planned, however June has another destiny for the money.

I'd remember at its time a huge audience in this unusual heist movie, indeed a clever idea from the producers, the marvelous Dobermans were really the stars of the picture, also the greedy and sexy Julie Parrish, without forget the convincing performance by Byron Made which never seen aftermaths in other production, the Italian actor JoJo D'Amore is often funny character, a pleasant movie to re-watch it again after many years, no DVD come out officially in Brazil yet.

Thanks for reading


First watch: 1989 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 7.
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