Fair Play (2023)
6.5/10. Last 30 minutes half-ruined this movie
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I overlooked this ridiculous and disgusting toilet scene at the beginning. Nothing wrong, of course, with human body functioning, but you can't throw a scene like this in order to show to the audience how madly the couple love each other, lol, who thought this was a good idea? There are million better ways to represent Love.

I overlooked the fact the couple's job was stealing money legally from the people. Their company was a vulture fund. These people are literally criminals. How can you empathize with characters like these?

I got past with all of that. Because this was a good movie until the last 30 minutes. A very good one. It felt real and it hit hard. Anyone who thinks it was not realistic, doesn't have a clue about human relationships. All felt real. When your partner is more sucessful than you, tension arises sometimes. Especially in highly competitive jobs like this. It depends on the professional field of course. If both lovers are farmers or teachers, it's not a problem. If they are lawyers or vulture funds executives, then, problems might appear.

So, this was pretty intense. I really felt this man's pain. I also felt this woman's anxiety. Unfortunately, when this little thing called Envy appears, everything is falling apart. Especially when the male starts feeling inferior. Woman can handle better these situations. We men, are not so capable. This was a great drama/romance movie. Until the ending.

If the writers were to present both sides equally, this would have been great. But, no, male should be the villain. Again and again. This could be great but it chose to be another depiction of "toxic masculinity". Toxic masculinity is real and too many men are bad persons, no doubt about it. However, there are HUNDREDS OF MOVIES the last 5-10 years that show EXACTLY the same things again and again. This is ridiculous and disgusting. Like the toilet scene at the start.

This could be a 7,5/10 or a 8/10 movie if both man and woman were victims and victimizers, simultaneously. Success is a drug. It can be toxic. Many insecure men can't stand when their wife is doing better than them. But if i was a writer, i would have a different approach, not taking sides, but showing the troubles in both of their hearts.

But, no. Husband should be a rapist and a lowlife. And wife should be a Saint. A friendly advice: Your movie will never be a great movie if you are just riding the wave. Your movie is gonna be forgotten and noone will remember it if it is EXACTLY like every movie nowadays. If you want to be an artist, dare to be different.

Still, i can't rate it lower than 6.5/10, and this is a good rating in my books. Because there was potential here. And both leading actors were amazing.
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