13 October 2023
Sorry to all the other reviewers on here who ranged from scant praise to full on loving it, but I gave up after the first ad break. The female lead overacted to within an inch of her life, and my Border Terrier has more personality than the male lead. My local amateur drama group would have made a better production of it.

Now we get on to the fake snow. The set dressers need to take note of how real snow looks when its melting. Fake snow is a big problem with Hallmark (and ofshoot companies), it always looks 'fake'. Shoving a few crumpled sheets on the pavements up against the shop fronts is not the way to go - I mean, has anyone actually seen that ? In one film one of the actors actually caught their foot in the edge of the 'snow sheet' before kicking it aside !!! It wasn't even edited out.

I do enjoy Hallmark Christmas films, there are some excellent ones, but this sadly wasn't one of them.
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