If it was not for the ending I woild have not have liked this film at all
13 October 2023
(1945) They Who Step On The Tiger's Tail (In Japanese with English subtitles) JAPANESE PERIOD PIECE/ DRAMA with a little SUSPENSE

Originally adapted from a play by Nobumitsu Kanze and Gohei Namiki co-written and directed by Akira Kurosawa which in fact at times looks like one as well by all that talking and the set pieces full of gorgeous looking clouds up at the sky which aren't even moving! Contains no fighting at all but a lot of verbal psychological talking, made almost similar to Alfred Hitchcock's 1948 film "Rope" where the camera focuses on one area. According to a popular known film critic, this was also heavily criticized by Japanese censors for it's inaccuracies about the folklore that it came from, portraying Japanese Army militants rebelling against the Japanese cause during WWII even though it's nothing more than a period piece. Extremely tame in today's standards in comparison to what director Akira Kurosawa has already given us on his later works like "Yojimbo" and all those other samurai films. But because it still has a superficial ending, I'm warranting this one a pass.
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