Sumotherhood (2023)
Funny, But Nothing Special
13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, having heard little to nothing about this franchise (I learned it was a little later on after seeing some previews), I went into this one blind. It looked somewhat good & funny, so I thought it would give it a watch.

When Riko & Kane need money, they decide to rob a megastar in a nightclub toilet & hold up the local bank, but things don't go as planned. A misunderstanding leads them into business with one of East London's toughest firms.

I found the film to be amusing somewhat & mildly entertaining. But not great or amazing by any means. The story was all over the place & the plot was a little difficult to follow. The characters are all samey (except for the 2 main leads) & seem paper thin in personalities, which seem to be loud mouthed yobs spouting their mouths off most of the time.

The runtime is ok at 1 hour & 34 minutes (94 minutes) along with some not bad pacing & there's some funny scenes & eye candy to be had. So, there is that to think about, but the vs in the film was unneeded completely, but it's 2023, of course that drivel has to be there, *rolls eyes*... I come to the cinema to be entertained & for escapism, not to be lectured or put down for who I am thanks.

Overall, it's a funny film, but it's wish washy story, vs lecturing & all over the place characters made it sort of a unpleasant watch. Despite some funny scenes & eye candy, this film was too out there.

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