Story of My Family
13 October 2023
This 2021 Japanese series seems to have been re-titled "Story of My Family" by Netflix. It features the veteran actor Tomoya Nagase, who starred in the hilarious My Boss My Hero and the cult youth drama, IWGP / Ikaburo West Gate Park. (He deservedly won top acting honors in Japan for his starring role here btw.) Tomoya plays the eldest sibling of a clan of revered Noh performers whose "National Treasure" father is coming to terms with Alzheimers. In the very first scenes we learn that he had abandoned serious Noh traditions for an "escapist" style life in pro-wrestling, but has returned as a prodigal son. He clearly has a lot of "catching up" to do and fences to mend. His role oscillates between comedic and tragic and often careens toward the mythic. Although he is is the "narrator" throughout the series, his emotions (like the emotions of many of the other characters) somehow remain inscrutable. Like the family in the story, the series' flow is quite a puzzle: a puzzle with many pieces that never quite fit together. But I enjoyed trying to figure it all out anyway and I'm still scratching my head over episode #10.
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