It lost me in the 3rd act
11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine The Life of Brian ending with dire seriousness, rather than a joyously silly ending with the crucified singing from their crosses. This film evolved from something I enjoyed to something I would avoid.

There were new ideas explored in the first two acts, and there were genuine laughs. For example, there was a slapstick scene with John the Baptist I found particularly funny.

The colours were saturated, and the Italian town standing in for Jerusalem was impressive. The musical score was developed by the writer/director, and it added humour at times. I didn't expect to see choreographed disco dancing in first century Jerusalem.

However, in the third act, the film changes course and tone. The film turns earnest, and there is a miraculously "happy" ending. It was such a disappointment. The writer/director comes across as a true believer recruiting for the faith. If it had held its tone and retained its healthy scepticism, I would have rated it.

Unfortunately, the third act turns deadly serious, and is more The Passion of the Christ than The Life of Brian. It was jarring and out of step with the rest of the film.
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