It was fine, nothing more. Could have been better.
9 October 2023
1 hour 50 which should have been cut to 1 hour 30. The weakness was not in the production, or acting, or even the script. It was let down by an at times, inconsistent, incoherent plot. Characters seemed to do a 180 degrees on their motivations and behaviours to each other, with no proper explanation. All got a bit messy, trying to tie plotlines together with coincidences and ambiguities.

Nevertheless, it passed the time, but may leave some viewers dissatisfied, whereas a quick rewrite and tidy up, could have resulted in a rock steady good old Southern drama. Mel G of course, just had to introduce elements of his religion, though they were not too intrusive, those not so inclined can easily dismiss them with a roll of the eyes.
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