Terror Squad (1987)
The much poor equivalent of "Red Dawn"
8 October 2023
(1987) Terror Squad ACTION THRILLER

Produced and directed by Peter Maris opens with the Libyan army vowing vengeance I am assuming from their homeland, before the movie cuts toward a small group of students from "Hoosier High School" from Indiana. The next thing we know, four Libyan terrorists Moammar, Hassan and Gamal with Yassir as their leader, by boat landed on American soil attempting to sabotage a nuclear plant despite law enforcement being one step ahead of them. The next thing we know there's a long chase scene ensures after their plan to sabotage their nuclear facility did not go in accordingly, with several incompetent police cars either crash or blown up by the invaders. With Chief Rawlings (Chuck Conners) leading leading the way, in which they manage to kill one of them by bazooka (the only time throughout the entire movie they even used one as opposed to the other times). Throughout the entire time, the three terrorists appear to have an unending amount of supply of ammo, and seem to use their bazooka during the times it most counted, like they know the area more than the citizens do. Meanwhile, six students are put into detention including, the cheerleader, Mary Lynn (Jill Sanders); the jock, Doug (Nathan Dyer); the nerd, Dingle; Dubois; the star of the movie, aspired guitarist, Johnny Dylan (Bill Calvert) and his love interest Jennifer (Kerry Brennan).

When viewers do like this movie, it is as a result of nostalgia and nothing else, which one of the problems with using that to like something is usually the result of liking something if you've seen it when you are like 5 or 10 years old and then at the same time, not liking another movie of today that does the same thing. Anyways, I am not one of those people despite having a soft spot for Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood and Audie Murphy films because my dad was a fan of them.

Some of the dumbest and inconsistencies about this film is quite obvious, how did the two lone terrorists know exactly what room to go to throughout the entire school- that was kind of dumb! Besides the terrorists appear to know where they are escaping despite police live around the area. And then it is like, the school bus the terrorists demanded and end up getting went from being a long one to becoming a very small school bus as soon as, the train was about to collide into it- something perhaps Ed Wood would have done had he still be alive. The viewers standards who like this film must have very low standards whenever it comes to 1980 films. And that is sometimes can be misleading.
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