Avoid at all costs.
8 October 2023
I can't help but feel that this could have been so much better and this, in my opinion, is down to the total miscasting of Marianne Jean-Baptiste and Alistair Petrie.

The former is too strong a character to be taken in so easily by someone who is totally unbelievable as a manipulative gigolo/gold digger.

I found their scenes just plain awkward and I found Newman just plain irritating throughout.

Without Rebekah Staton as Alice Newman, the whole thing wouldn't have got off the ground. Even the usually dour Karl Johnson has a bit of spark to him.

The premise is interesting, but it so poorly written and acted out that it is just not credible.

I think it was in episode 2, but did anybody else spot a cupboard door suddenly come open in the background of a kitchen scene.

The use of offensive language (the C word) is totally unnecessary. Is this artistic license? I don't think so.

An then there was the final episode with Chance's thoroughly offensive rant.

Really, is this what television drama has come to?
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