Breaking Bad: Phoenix (2009)
Season 2, Episode 12
Phenomenal plot construction
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The entire beginning and middle of the episode were built up towards the end, as Gus says things like "you shouldn't trust an addict", and Jane tells Jesse that if he didn't lie down on his side he would throw up and something would happen, while makes false promises of rehabilitation to his father followed by plans for the future with Jesse, it is already possible to see that something is about to happen, especially when Walter meets Jane's father and starts talking about his problems with Jesse. But what's better and more unexpected is that Walter goes looking for Jesse at his house and after a while he comes across Jane choking on her own vomit, he could have helped, he could have turned her around or something like that, but he preferred to stand still while watching her die, honestly, this scene made up for it and gave a new meaning to the entire episode. Walter didn't let her die just because of his business and because she knew too much, but because he cared about Jesse and didn't want to see his partner overdose and die because of a drugged girl. And the best way to do this was by forcing him to come across his dead girlfriend after waking up in the morning and realizing that none of it made sense, and that drugs and addictions ended his life. Simply amazing.
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