Review of Ahsoka

Ahsoka (2023– )
Another Dud and a Nothing Sandwich From Disney Plus
4 October 2023
This is another forgettable and mediocrely-written Star Wars show by the best streaming service ever!

It is overall not as bad as Obi-Wan Kenobi and way more well-produced and well-made, but it's still a soulless show that has barely anything to offer.

In order to keep my review of the whole show short and get my points across more easily, I will just list the pros and cons and won't get into details.

So for things I liked first:

  • The music is decent at first but gets kinda forgettable after a couple of episodes

  • The action scenes are well-choreographed and surprisingly well-thought-out, but ultimately get dull

  • The visuals and CGI is pretty good

  • Ahsoka's style of fighting is pretty cool

  • Sabine not being a superhero and gradually getting better but still getting hit nonetheless

  • There are some setups and payoffs and things don't just magically come to aid the characters and also they don't always succeed on the first try

  • The flashback episode was pretty good

  • Bad guys getting a decent screen time as much as the protagonists

  • Ray Stevenson

  • Thrawn's intro

.... and, that's it I guess? I can't really think of other things I liked about the show other than some cool action scenes and some moments here and there. But there is really nothing to like about its characters or the writing in general.

Now the bads and the uglies:

  • Dave Filoni's writing and not having other writers work with him on the show

  • Ahsoka being a black void of a character and having zero personality whatsoever. She's just devoid of any characterization.

  • Sabine getting more screen time and character arc than Ahsoka. Might as well call the show Sabine instead.

  • Sabine's baffling decision-making and having zero plan gambling the fate of an entire galaxy over one person

  • The barebone story and plot that could've even been a 3-episode mini-series

  • Main characters having the biggest plot armor in recent years

  • Bad guys/good guys having the clear opportunity to end each other multiple times but doing nothing

  • Thrawn being wasted and turned into something even worse than a cartoonishly evil character. He is a forgettable terribly-written villain that does nothing and basically runs to his grandmas for help every 5 minutes. They did a terrible job of making him intimidating or powerful.

  • The trope of bad guys having every opportunity to kill the good guys and even getting the orders to shoot but still standing around looking at each other and doing nothing. Even worse is when they do decide to shoot, they stop because the good guy said "Wait"!

  • Maybe too much use of nostalgia-baiting and random name-throwing and references for its own good. It's basically all for the hardcore Star Wars fanboys to lose their mind because they name-dropped Glup --ito and now they think the show is a masterpiece because an old character had a cameo.

  • Ahsoka not feeling like the main character at all and having less and less screen time every episode

  • Ahsoka having a semblance of a character arc which turns her into a worse character with having a more baffling mentality of actually agreeing with Sabine's stupid choices

  • Introducing the element of witchcraft which makes it feel less like Star Wars. I understand that the Jedi are basically space wizards. But this is just too un-Star Wars-y, and feels like they don't know how to make interesting stories with Star Wars anymore, so they resort to throwing every genre at it.

  • The story is more like a video game, especially in the finale, because there isn't much meat to the story so they have to resort to video game storytelling and level design instead of actual good writing

  • Forgettable dialogue and sometimes even childish

  • The pacing is pretty bad especially in the beginning with many pointless drawn-out scenes where characters just stare and do nothing

  • Too many action scenes in the second half of the season that get boring and dull after a while

  • No tension whatsoever. There are no stakes because you know the outcome every time and an action scene without any tension of stakes is a boring one.

  • Not giving a good characterization to the main protagonists, or a reason as to why the audience should care about them for those who haven't seen the animated shows.

  • Uninteresting story a show overall since you don't care about any of the characters.

  • Unfinished storylines and plot when the show is advertised as a mini-series. So basically the nothing sandwich of a story also didn't have a conclusion.

  • Did I forget to mention how awful and forgettable the characters are and how terribly written they are?

These are the problems I can think of right now. I'm sure if I got into details I would remember more problems I had with it, and the review would be 5 times bigger than this.

But overall, I'm not sure what the point of this was. Basically, everything from this show is forgettable and I feel like I'm being generous with giving it a 6. I do not care about the characters especially Ahsoka herself and I'm just observing them from afar and not caring about them at all. The plot is really thin and how it unfolds and things happen is only because of the stupid decisions Sabine makes. The only interesting and intriguing character is Baylan Skoll which is all because of Ray Stevenson's acting. But they waste him and his character so badly too.

I understand if they're trying to prepare a new trilogy of movies maybe? Or a season 2. But this was the worst way to go at it, especially since they botched the main bad guy from the start by making him as unintimidating as possible as if it was on purpose. They really dropped the ball with Thrawn.

I'm not sure what the point was, but as long as Disney isn't willing to hire actual professional writers who know what they're doing, this is what we're gonna get with the shows and the movies. The shows apart from Andor have been nothing sandwich after nothing sandwich with barely any story to them. Basically, drop some references and names here and there and show some cool action scenes, bring back old actors from the prequel trilogy and utilize them as much as you can, and nostalgia-bait really hard so fans would lose their minds as they just witnessed a masterpiece because there was a cameo. Also don't forget to make the most forgettable and black holes of characters you've ever seen. Congratulations, you just made a $100M Star Wars show that will definitely turn a profit and be called an actual good show by the fanboys.
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