57 Seconds (2023)
A 12 year old would have more sense than this protagonist
3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm 54 minutes in and more annoyed than bored.

Plotholes and silliness irk me, and there is nothing to outweigh it.

1 Movie starts with a monotone voice-over on speed. I already dislike that choice. That voice dies not make me root for the 'hero'.

2 Silly runaround to get backstage access. Meets cute girl, asks for date, he's still not likeable.

3 Friend giving him the wristband is the first nice character 4 Tech guru chauffeur man escaped from Stargate is left unexplained 5 Assassin shoots in the air first? Yeah right.

6 Missing ring isn't detected (and tracked)? Yeah right. (if this is explained later, I still don't care)

7 Now for the silliest bit of the movie: betting at the same casino table again and again. Is he the stupidest guy on the planet? Has he never watched a movie? Really, that is an insult to anyone watching. And he keeps doing it, not being smart and losing once and again (or not using the ring in his new boss's friend's casino later on). Annoying, NOT fun, not cute, just childish.

8 Starts working for pharma boss whose product killed his sister, and a voice-over says why although he just had a conversation where it could be explained.

9 Proposes to one night stand girl.

10 WEARS the ring instead of keeping it in his pocket. Fiancée not interested in it apparently.

10 annoyances means I'm out.

Cringily bad, is it supposed to be a comedy? Then it's still bad but at least the villain is ace then (if not he is just over-the-top bad).

I totally do not blame any of it on the top billing stars, it's not the acting's fault.
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