The Golden Hour (2022– )
Bad acting, not historical acccurate, but somewhat entertaining.
30 September 2023
Intriguing stoey, but the acting is bad, sometimes even very bad. The extra's do a better job than most of the main actors. Some scenes which were ment to be shocking just make me laugh. Ok, therre are definatly good parts, which show the makers did do some research. How do people respond on violence, what kimd of emotions do terrorist go through, stuff like that. Which made me almost forgive the total absence of bystanders after one of the events. Unfortunatly the researchbudget ran out on the psychology. There obvious was no money left for historical research. When taking the age of the main afghan characters in mind, it was impossible for them to have encounter western troops in afghanistan. In the most optimistical way the russians just left, but it took about 15 year before the UN intervened in Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. The actor were way too old to make it believeble they were only living 20 years in the Netherlands. Further more the absurbt way the aivd was depicted (dutch nsi). The writers were peobably smoking some bad stuff or did sau too many american movies. Ow and seeing a stuntperson jump over a fene before falling down was really funny, too bad it ment to be sad and horrible instead. I was able to watch the complete series, so it must somehow be watchable. That is why I give it a 6, even though it was bad and it deserves less points than 6 our of 10.
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