Signs of Life (1968)
Not a bad early effort from Werner Herzog
29 September 2023
Last Friday, I had to power through three Expendables movies to write about them for work. Now, this Friday, I find myself needing to watch three Werner Herzog films; partly for work, but they're all titles I would've liked to watch eventually in any event. If I have the energy to get through all, it should prove to be a very different triple feature than last week.

Signs of Life was first up, and it also happens to be the first feature film Herzog ever directed. It's not bad - kind of a lesser effort by his standards, but he was only 26 when it came out, and it's pretty good considering its age and the stage the director was at in his career. It's about three soldiers going crazy on an island, mainly from isolation. That's about it.

Tonally and genre-wise it's entirely different from The Lighthouse, but it has a similar aspect ratio, basic premise, and is also shot in black-and-white. It might make for a good half of a double feature, for anyone specifically after "men going crazy after spending too long together" movies.
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