Review of Burning Body

Burning Body (2023)
... one of the finest series of the year so far
28 September 2023
... Ursula Corbero a-real-deal-star ... acts the hell out of this very-well-done-production.. impossible taking eyes off her when she's onscreen, dominates every scene she's in... entire cast is truly exceptional.. this one of the finest productions not just from Spain, but from world-over

... when portraying a character that's a horrible individual, doing it as well as Corbero does, it's a testament to her consummate abilities as a really-great-actor... Netflix has a huge winner here, one of the finest on its current roster, it should remain on top for quite some time, and will be hard matching.. bravo-Netflix

... 6h 43min... give yourself time,.. you'll be hard pressed to stop watching straight through.
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