Films like this are why I watch older movies
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First impression is that this one borrows VERY HEAVILY from other sources, namely far superior films like Signs (2002). Honestly, do yourself a favor and just skip this film and watch Signs instead. But if you want mediocre acting, absolutely no spoken dialog and generic CGI, then go with this one. The film also borrows elements from War of the Worlds (2005) and Quiet Place (2018), all far superior films. The protagonist of this film is living alone in a big house in the country and, wouldn't you know it, very persistent aliens keep showing up to try to abduct her. Lots of typical jump effects for predictable scares, and after an exhausting experience of running from the aliens.... spoiler time... they manage to capture her, read her mind, and then apparently let her live amongst alien-possessed humans, to which she gladly obliges? What on earth were they thinking with this one? It's like a demented variation of the ending of A. I. (2001) with a sole human survivor just content to live and dance with body snatched humans. Yeah, films like this one are why I need to stop watching modern films and stick with classics of the past. The further away I can get from this one the better.
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