I Have Never Felt So Validated
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most important documentary I've seen for women and girls in recent history. I tried to report my abuser when I was 18, and I too was not believed, and then arrested for False Report. It took a lot of courage to come forward and finally turn in my abuser (who'd been assaulting me for years as a child). This was many years ago and my case was eventually dismissed by a very no nonsense female judge who saw right through it all. That case cost me a lot of money and it scared me so badly. I thought I was going to jail for the rest of my life. That's how the cops treated me. Like I was the worst criminal they'd ever seen.

Even though it was dismissed, to this day I have always felt ashamed of myself for being arrested before. It's the one and only time I've been in trouble. That shame ended watching this documentary. I am not alone, and neither are you. Someone is finally listening. THANK YOU!

Ever since my arrest, I have never called the police for help, ever again. Even when I really needed it. Even when I was viciously assaulted in a public place and left beaten and partially naked. If they didn't believe me before when was being sexually coerced by an older man for years whilst underage, why would they believe me now? Especially with False Report on my record? The cops told me it would stay on my record forever, even if my case was dismissed and that I should just "tell the truth" before I can't get a dismissal someday. My case did get dismissed, and to this day I don't know if it shows up on my record. I just know I'm still too scared to call the cops for help because I never want to end up in handcuffs ever again.

This documentary made me cry like I've never cried watching a doc before. The validation I feel now knowing that I'm not alone and I'm not some menace to society. Every woman and girl needs to see this!!! The damage is irreparable and my abuser went on to assault MANY young girls after me! That's on the cops, not ME! Not US!
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