A wasted opportunity to bring The Monkey King story to a new generation.
27 September 2023
LIke many others of my generation, we used to love watching "Monkey" when we were young, although admittedly had no clue what it was about, the philosophy, the history or that it was actually Japanese not Chinese (we were very little, so apologies!).

Anyhow, in a retro kind of way we still love the old show, and the BBC did some brilliant opening credits & themes based around the whole story for the Beijing Olympics.

So now this was released, and I was looking forward to watching this but wish I hadn't. What a letdown. The lead character is portrayed like some modern day streetwise but uncouth protagonist, and really it misses the heart of the story & character. I just found the humour dull, and the storyline didn't grab me at all. It's just some moden day story supplanted into the Monkey King story, and really is just a poor amalgalm of the too, if not just a poor cash-in on the popularity of the original fable.

Really there's nothing of note here, and is a wasted opportunity to bring this story to a new generation.
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