Not as Horrific as It Could Have Been
26 September 2023
This film essentially begins with a photographer by the name of "Keyes Terry" (Ross Partridge) being given a gift of a large mirror by a homeless person that he had just met. Not thinking much of it, Keyes takes it back to his apartment that he shares with his girlfriend "Llanie" (Lala Sloatman). Not long afterward, an artist who lives down the hall named "Suki" (Julia Nickson) drops in and, noticing the rather unique mirror, asks Keyes if she can borrow it for a while to give her inspiration. Not terribly attached to it, Keyes readily hands it over. What none of them realize, however, is that this mirror was taken from the haunted house in Amityville, and it possesses an evil presence which will soon bring death and destruction to everyone who looks upon it. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film had an interesting premise and a couple of seasoned actors in Richard Roundtree (as "Pauli"), Terry Quinn ("Detective Clark") and the aforementioned Julia Nickson to assist in its development. Unfortunately, although it started off reasonably well at first, it took a sharp turn into ridiculous territory around the halfway mark and never really recovered after that. That being said, while I don't consider this to be a bad film necessarily, I wasn't overly impressed with it, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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