The Woman in the Wall (2023–2024)
The best TV series this year for me.
25 September 2023
An Irish tragedy, told as a thriller. The church can be a suspicious place at times and this is one such story. Catholic priests and nuns up to no good, ruining young mother's lives by taking away their babies.

This is the premise of the story about to unfold. As to why, many will already know but for those who do not, I do not give spoilers.

Extremely well written through to the final episode (so many series are let down by the final one), this is a dark, gripping TV film that gets into the hearts of people.

Splendidly acted by the entire cast, I would not be surprised to see this at awards time. I like to discover actors who have not been on my radar before and four stood out for me here. How have I missed Ruth Wilson before who plays Lorna so convincingly, whose baby went missing many years before and she's not even Irish. Others are Irish, Simon Delaney, the local police officer, Daryl McCormack, sent in to oversee the case and Hilda Fay as Amy, another bereft mother.

It is dark, at times gloomy, at times sad and at times uplifting but stick with it and you will be rewarded. A great series.
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