What I think happened...
23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS I've seen a few people saying they were confused about the ending, so I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring and try and explain it to the best of my ability as I see things.

Brynn is an outcast, because of the terrible mistake she made when she was young (namely accidentally killing her best friend) the town and community of which she was once an accepted member of, has shunned her and her mother into a life of seclusion; in this sense, you could say that Brynn is an alien to society. She lives like a seamstress from the mid 50s, creating an idyllic model of the town she wishes she lived in but cannot. After her struggle against the aliens, who have been taking over people's bodies with parasites that trick them into believing they are living out there greatest fantasies, the aliens finally abduct Brynn and experience her life and memories themselves and they delegate that they do not need to trick her into thinking she's getting what she wants like everybody else, because what she wants is for everybody in town to like her and forget about her past, which, once the aliens have taken over, they can do. So, they leave her. As she is. She isn't an outcast anymore.

Hopefully this sheds some light on things. I personally loved this movie and it's ending (for me at least) might just be it's greatest strength. I love how the story is conveyed almost entirely through visuals and action and Kaitlyn Dever puts in an incredibly expressive and powerful performance as the lead. Thank you for reading my review/explanation/theory thing and I hope you have a wonderful night or day wherever you are :)
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