The Invaders (1967–1968)
Did this guy have a job?
23 September 2023
The lead character David Vincent is said to be an architect, yet he has all this free time on his hands to chase aliens around the country and is always impeccably dressed in nice suits and shiny dress shoes. He must have made millions designing buildings that he squirreled away by the time he saw his first flying saucer.

And after watching the entire first season, I wondered why he felt compelled to chase these aliens everywhere when others who he interacts with that have also seen the aliens just go about with their lives afterwards. What's making David Vincent want to catch and stop them so badly when no one else seems to care as much as him?

I think what this show needed was something to make his quest personal so we can understand why he gave up his entire life to focus on chasing these invaders.

I watched this series after finishing "The Fugitive", created by the same producers. That was a such wonderful series so I thought this would be on the same level too.

On that show, the lead character was trying to catch his wife's killer so he had a personal stake in his mission and also garnered sympathy from the audience.

I think David Vincent needed to have the same kind of personal stake as Richard Kimble did to make his hunt for the invaders more believable. It would have also made the audience empathize with him as they did with Kimble.

Had Vincent's wife or child been abducted by the invaders at the start of the series, that would've made his mission much more believable and personal. Or perhaps they killed a family member of his, but without any of that happening, Vincent just comes off as some crackpot with too much time on his hands who has a questionable bank account of unlimited funds since he never works to support himself.

And by the end of season one it became comical how the invaders want Vincent eliminated and out of their way yet they never kill him even after having have multiple chances to do so. It's so absurd!

I'm rating it 3 starts for all the various guest stars, a lot of which have appeared previously on "The Fugitive" and were probably wondering what the heck they were doing on such a hokey show. I'm sure quite a few of them were thinking to themselves "I can't believe i'm saying these lines". I guess a paycheck is a paycheck.

I read that ratings for this series declined greatly by the end of season one, yet it was still renewed for a second season. Apparently the fleeing viewers never came back and it was mercifully cancelled.

I just didn't find this series to be engaging and I admittedly expected a lot from it after seeing "The Fugitive". I guess lightening can't strike twice but it was fun to see all the guest stars though and the lead actor was appealing. It's just a shame he wasn't given a better series to star in that lasted longer.
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