Beginning or end(?)
23 September 2023
No pun intended - the movie will test your patience. As much as it seems to test the one of our main character. Someone who needs to break free - will she be able to? And at what price will it happen? There is also quite a lot of ... well the subject of racism is dealt with. It is about the fear of other people. And if it sounds like I am trying to tip toe around some subjects .. it is because I try not to offend of course.

All that said, the movie also has hints of evolution in it. Our main character may not be naked in the beginning, but she seems to go on a journey (no pun intended) ... a journey that may be similar to the one homo sapiens has taken. Of course I may be reading something here that was not entirely intended. But you may find other things of that nature (again, no pun intended) ... like the role of ants. Are we supposed to compare them to humans? Them being able to work together ... not fighting each other? Well ... maybe.

Also the movie does not have a coherent language .. I reckon it is because we are not supposed to blame one nation on the status quo ... or we can project which nation we want to see ... who treats people that badly. Again you can see a lot here ... or almost nothing ... cinematography is really good, no matter what you think of the substance though ... actors may not be trained (many moments that feel anything but professional), but maybe that adds charm ... again you decide ... same goes for the twist at the end ...
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