I did not like it
21 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have depression. I was misused. I don't feel this movie represented suicidal depression very well. I was mad at Amanda Seyfrieds character. You KNOW you have depressed and you know you struggle. So yeah, let's have a kid and not take your medications. Oh and then after trying to kill yourself and traumatizing everyone, let's have another kid. How irresponsible! She doesn't only have depression, she is selfish and self centred! She knew what she needed to do and wouldn't do it - take meds and go to therapy. Instead she just traumatized more people. Ugh - I really disliked the portrayal of depression in this movie. I'm actually annoyed writing this. I'm annoyed at the people saying how great it is and how well it portrays post partum depression. This movie isn't great and it does not portray the struggles of depression accurately.
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