Death Parade (2015)
We need more
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Once I came across a short film called Death Billiards. Only 25 minutes, but the intriguing idea and the albino bartender haunted me for several days. But there was nothing more to look at on this topic; I had to be content with what was available. However, two years later a full-fledged series Death Parade was released, in which the theme of deadly games is developed.

Decim is a bartender at one very unusual establishment, Quindecim. The service in this place is at the highest level, the drinks are extremely tasty, the atmosphere is conducive to a relaxing pastime, and yet you won't envy anyone who happens to be visiting Decim. All visitors are forced to play one of the games, victory in which guarantees a transition to a better world in the literal sense of the word. However, not everything is so simple. Even Dekim is a judge who increasingly doubts his own decisions. Unexpectedly, one of the guests of "Quindequim" volunteers to help him, which leads to unusual consequences.

"Death Parade" is based on a rather unconventional idea that draws out the entire anime. The remaining aspects cannot be said to be strong: not all the characters are developed (even Decim himself remains not fully developed), the plot develops very slowly and, after a few revelations, just ends. Way too many questions are left unresolved. Who is Oculus? Why did Nona decide to create a judge with emotions, was it really purely out of love for experimentations? How did Chiyuki get into the bar under special conditions? Too many things left unclear.

The anime, which had enormous potential, had not realized it to its' full extent. We can still hope for an unlikely second season, but so far, this series is just an interesting, but flawed anime that I'd still recommend to watch at least once.
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