It's My First Day
19 September 2023
'The Peacekeeper' in a lot of ways is your standard dtv actioner that gets a bump from a decent Dolph, an interesting casting choice in Montel Williams (yes the tv host) and a unique car chase at the start. Moments that rise above before it settles down to a predictable, cheaper pace of running 'n gunning baddies in the second half.

Major Cross (Lundgren) is an US Navy officer who accepts the job to shadow the President (Roy Schneider) as the man tasked with carrying the "black box" which controls the country's nuclear arsenal. At an appearance at a hotel for Veterans Day giving a speech, mercs strike with the sole purpose of gaining control and launching. From the actual missile silo, it's up to Cross and Lt. Col Northrop (Williams) to stop a madman's catastrophe.

The first half surprised me with a silly, but effective intro of Dolph and that unique car sequence I mentioned, use of a helicopter. Plus what seems like a decent budget for a Millennium Films flick and good solid directing. Of course, you counterbalance that with cheap, cost cutting moments (stock footage, a bad green screen fall) and once they reach the silo, things become a whole lot less interesting.

The stories featured in these things are never great and such is the case here with 'The Peacekeeper'. The head villain is rather bland with cliche motivations which didn't help matter much. Still this one did just enough to be a passable one-time watch. Some good action, laughs but a better first halve than the later portion for sure. Worth a glance.
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