Dumb Money (2023)
Good movie, but lacking that spark
19 September 2023
I wasn't as hyped about this movie as others because it's recent history that's still fresh in our memories. People who were interested in the story during covid will remember it well. However, I do appreciate that it immortalizes the story, even though a part of me thinks it might be a bit too soon.

It's a financial underdog movie, and just like during the events in 2020, it had me rooting for Keith Gill. There are moments of incredible humor. The characters are well-written and have great chemistry. The film opts for a minimalist and simple style, lacking flashy visuals, but it excels in storytelling and humor. It also boasts a good soundtrack.

I wished it could have left a more enduring impression on me, one that made me believe I could achieve what the characters did, much like the real Keith Gill/Roaring Kitty accomplished. It lacked that magnetic allure that movies like "Goodfellas" or "The Wolf of Wall Street" possess, where you're drawn to emulate the characters despite the consequences. These films romanticize their lifestyles, no matter how destructive they may be. My hope was that this movie would do the same but entice viewers to aspire to be the "good guys" who ultimately triumphed, rather than emulate the Ken Griffens and Vlad Tenevs of the world. That's what underdog movies typically achieve. Additionally, I found the pacing inconsistent, with moments of genuine engagement alternating with periods when my brain seemed to be on autopilot.

While it's a good movie, it didn't completely blow me away. This might be because we're already familiar with the story due to its recent occurrence. In some ways, this familiarity helps the movie, but in other ways, it doesn't. I don't think it's better or even on par with "The Wolf of Wall Street," for example, but it stands well on its own. Unlike films like that or even "The Big Short," I don't think this movie will be held in such high regard a decade from now as it will be now. Nevertheless, it's still an enjoyable, fun, and funny experience. Definitely worth a watch, all things considered.
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