M*A*S*H: Point of View (1978)
Season 7, Episode 10
19 September 2023
While this is a novel concept I don't think it's strong enough to sustain an entire episode.

The points of view shown are unrealistic - patient Rich would have to be quite agile and sitting up, which is unlikely due to a serious throat injury.

Also, the MASH characters are entirely out of character and playing to the camera. How often do we see Radar explain triage to a patient? We never see BJ being cheery when meeting a patient.

Is patient Rich likely to see the top of a neighboring patient's head?

I did enjoy the aerial footage of flying over the entire MASH compound right to the chopped pad, where we see personnel waiting. But, a patient lying flat on the chopper skids would see only sky above, nothing below.

The improbability of it all is distracting. The strength of MASH episodes are in the interplay between characters.

Point of View is like a series of monologues.
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