Somewhere Boy (2022)
Entertaining, but...
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I found the series entertaining enough to keep me watching. The acting was good, particularly by the two teenage cousins portrayed in the series. However I had a few sideways glances at the story plot. Inconceivable that a seemingly intelligent enough young adult would accept the premise that everything was gone outside his home and what was left was inhabited by monsters. Where was the father getting their food from if everything was gone? Shredded wheaties for breakfast seemed to be available! The boy was not detained in the house and had plenty of time on his hands to 'explore' further, The UK is not exactly sparsely populated and there would be plenty of evidence of life. (people, vehicles - land and air) One major plot hole I thought was the fact that the police took at face value that his father had committed suicide, even when they were confronted by a strange and manic 18yr old. The boys prints would have been all over the weapon and no doubt further investigation would have disclosed 'powder trace' on the boy. I'm sure questioning would have revealed more suspicion of what had occurred.
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