Just Know That Most Every Negative Was Written by a Hater
17 September 2023
If you read the negative comments, you will get a picture of the average writer. They do not like Kevin Sorbo, his politics, his religion or apparently even his existence. I seriously doubt any of the even watched the movie.

Is this movie "preaching to the choir?" Well, yeah. Of course it is. Isn't every movie with a point preaching to the choir? Unless you already agree with the message of the movie, you aren't going to be watching it. That goes for any movie on either side of any topic. I'm not going to go watch some leftist movie anymore than I would expect anyone other than a Christian to be watching this movie.

Yes, it does focus more on the political side of the Antichrist. That is going to be a main element of the End Times. Revelation speaks of a One World Government. Prophecy speaks of the political climate in the End Times. So why WOULDN'T this movie also delve into that aspect?

Some have called it, "too preachy." Again... It's a Christian movie. What else would you expect? Anyone who didn't expect a "preachy" movie going into it, must have thought they were going to be watching something else all together different.

I will also admit that the movie feels rushed. But... they were trying to fit a lot into two hours. I would have really preferred this been a TV series. THAT would have been awesome. But... it is what it is.

Anyone who has read any of my other reviews should already know what I hated about this movie... Even though this was not a "big budget hollywood production," apparently they took cues for the other guys... BUY A FREAKING LIGHT BULB!!! Every single scene is lit with on;y sunlight as illumination. In the TV producers' office, we see a shot that is angled upwards and not a single one of the florescent tubes are lit. The whole movie is filmed like this. I don't know where all of these people went to film school but for the love of God... please stop it! Light a scene, already!

One final thought... while I agree with the theology of the movie, I do not agree with the timeline. If you read Matthew 24, Jesus Himself tells his Disciples that the good and the evil will be taken together in the End Times. Any Rapture will not occur PER-Tribulation.

If you like the books on which this is based; if you want to see a wholesome movie; if you just like Kevin Sorbo... go watch this and ignore all the haters. Better yet... better get used to them. It'll only get worse...
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