Toxic and abusive relationship portrayed as romance
15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've read all the books when I was a teenager and at the time I loved them. Now as an adult I see how toxic and abusive Hardin was. The movies barely show any of that, instead they make it seem all romantic when it never was. Hardin is a manipulator, gaslighter, alcoholic and a liar. The media is portraying this kind of relationship to teenagers and adults as a romantic and acceptable relationship, it is not. He keeps pursuing and pushing Tessa, and it is very creepy, abusive and stalker like. Also, it says that it's 14A, it should be more than that, I was so uncomfortable watching some of the scenes with literal children next to me, the sex scene was longer than it needed to be. Thank god I watched this for free as I work in a movie theater, I would hate to contribute my money to the people who created and directed this abusive relationship movie that was portrayed as romance.
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